I have problems after opening the WordPress admin panel

If you have problems in the WordPress admin panel with 404 errors and incorrect redirects, please do the following:


1. Deactivate your plugin via FTP

2. Do the following steps before activating the plugin again:


Open the theme file via FTP, for example, functions.php. (example path: /wp-content/themes/your-theme/functions.php)

Scroll to the very bottom. After the last line, insert the following code:


if ( is_network_admin() ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options = get_site_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options' );
} else {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options = get_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options' );
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['hide_services_banner_time'] = time();
if ( is_network_admin() ) {
update_site_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options', $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );
} else {
update_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options', $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );


3. Activate the plugin again.

4. Go to the frontend and load any page of the site.


That's it, the admin panel works.

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