Can I remove content added by shortcodes?

To remove the shortcode, please use 'bwsplgns_pdf_print_remove_shortcodes' hook:

  1. Go to the plugin settings page;
  2. Open "Custom Code" tab, mark "Activate custom PHP code." checkbox in the "PHP" section;
  3. Add the following code (as example):

function pdf_print_remove_shortcodes( $shortcodes_array ) { $shortcodes_array[] = 'bestwebsoft_contact_form'; return $shortcodes_array; } add_filter( 'bwsplgns_pdf_print_remove_shortcodes', 'pdf_print_remove_shortcodes' );

Replace bestwebsoft_contact_form with your shortcode.

This article related to PDF & Print by BestWebSoft plugin

Additional resources: PDF & Print - User Guide

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