Spam bots are getting through Captcha and creating new user accounts. What should I do?

Unfortunately, there is no Captcha that could provide 100% spam protection. Real people (and spammers) can get through Captcha easily. Here is a list of simple recommendations to stop spam on your WordPress website: 

  1. Make sure that Captcha plugin is installed, activated, updated to the latest version and integrated with your form(-s).
  2. Enable all Captcha protection complexity. Go to the plugin settings page and enable such options as Addition, Subtruction, Multiplication; enable Numbers, Images, and Words.
  3. Try to submit form(-s) with Captcha (use the wrong answer to make sure that Captcha is working correctly).
  4. Install and activate Limit Attempts plugin to get additional anti-spam protection and low-down bots registration rate. 

This article related to Captcha by BestWebSoft plugin

Additional resources: Captcha - User Guide

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