I recieved an error "Warning: file_put_contents...ttfontsuni.php". What does it mean?

If you got an error "Warning: file_put_contents(/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pdf-print-pro/mpdf/ttfontdata/dejavusanscondensed.GSUBGPOStables.dat): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /***/wp-content/plugins/pdf-print-pro/mpdf/classes/ttfontsuni.php", probably, you don't have sufficient access permissions to files and folders.

Please try the following:

  1. Using FTP, please go to the folder "/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pdf-print"
  2. Check what permissions are set on the "mpdf" folder (755 must be set for the folder and 644 for files)
  3. If other permissions are set, change them.

For more information, see Changing File Permissions.

This article related to PDF & Print by BestWebSoft plugin

Additional resources: PDF & Print - User Guide

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