If you got an error "Warning: file_put_contents(/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pdf-print-pro/mpdf/ttfontdata/dejavusanscondensed.GSUBGPOStables.dat): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /***/wp-content/plugins/pdf-print-pro/mpdf/classes/ttfontsuni.php", probably, you don't have sufficient access permissions to files and folders.
Please try the following:
- Using FTP, please go to the folder "/public_html/wp-content/plugins/pdf-print"
- Check what permissions are set on the "mpdf" folder (755 must be set for the folder and 644 for files)
- If other permissions are set, change them.
For more information, see Changing File Permissions.
This article related to PDF & Print by BestWebSoft plugin
Additional resources: PDF & Print - User Guide
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